From Desk

About Our Principal

Navin K. Goyal

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."


Teacher who inspire know that teaching is like a cultivating a garden and those would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers.

I firmly believe that with the changing times, the teacher student relationship has taken over a new dimension. A student can only develop in a free and a without fear environment where a teacher and a student can share their new ideas. Each & every scholar is unique and thinks in a different way. So the school has to provide the atmosphere for them to think innovatively.

The city like Jalesar which has enormous potential to grow, the institution will provided shapes to the dreams of scholars in the different fields to life, and will develop each & every pupil according to it potential.

In the word of Albert Einstein,”Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it live it whole life believing that it is stupid.”


Krishna Gopal

"The true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers."

I feel very much proud and elated as Jalesar, a small town in etah Distt. (Center of trade and com) is now becoming an educational hub with the start of very much awaited educational institute PREM PUBLIC SCHOOL (an English medium school with hi-tech, holistic and quality education). Highly inspired by my parents (Late Shri Prem Prakash Gupta & Late Gayatri devi) specially my mother, a strong iron will lady who after the death of her father in Law Late Shri Ram Lal Ji established a trust known as “Ramlal Arya Dharmarth Trust. In 1997 to fulfill mission of her father in law who was very simple, polite religious social being and hed a great mission to serve the society in educational field. After the demise of my mother and following the footstep of my mother in completing the work left by her the trust decided to run a girls degree college named MAA GAYATRI ARYA KANYA MAHAVIDYALAYA, Affiliated to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Agra. And is at present running successfully.

Besides this in 2013 the trust decided to establish an English medium school to mould the personalities of children of Jalesar and to prepare them to face challenges in life. Thus PREM PUBLIC SCHOOL came into existence and got affiliated to CBSE Delhi in 2016. I am confident that more glorious days awaits the school in spheres of educational scenario and may the school continue to produce strong pillars that will lead our nation forward into the world leadership in all aspects of development and progress, spreading fragrance of love, sympathy, brotherhood, peace and justice and I wish the almighty may keep the school guiding and protesting, fatherly in the moments to come.

Vipin Bihari Gupta

"A man without education is like a building without foundation."


Today students need to start off early to match steps with or better still, outpace the pace of development. Prem Public School, Jalesar epitomizes a way of education that embraces the best of the east and the west, the best of modern and the traditional, to prepare your child to become a genuine world citizen. This will be achieved by all out efforts discover and nurture the special gifts embedded in each student and inspire them to attain peak potential. We aim to achieve this goal ensuring physical, mental and spiritual growth of the child to face the complexities of life with courage and lead a disciplined life. It is the motto of the JPS to inculcate ethical and moral values in a child by providing an appropriate moral & cultural environment so that the youthful energy is harnessed to make them socially responsible citizens of the country.

I invite you to join us in our movement to identify the latent potentials of your child by our innovative pedagogy of educational system pursued in PPS, Jalesar.